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Wednesday, July 24th  

The following schedule is subject to change 


8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Mental Health First Aid *

Cost to attend $299 

*PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED - Due to the 2 hours of pre-work required, registration will close Sunday, July 7, 2024.  Additionally, no on-site registrations will be accepted. 


Pharmacists and pharmacy team members are more likely to need to respond to a mental health episode than to a situation requiring basic life support or CPR. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, therefore, could be considered more important than CPR training. MHFA teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults. 


Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by June 1, 2024, to avoid a cancellation fee. Cancellations received between June 1 - July 1 will be subject to a $100 cancellation fee for each cancelled registration.  Cancellations after July 1 or “no show” registrants will be responsible for the full registration fee of $299.



8:30 - 9:30 a.m. 
Strategies to Stop the Stigma and Support Patients with Opioid Use Disorders 

With Substance Use Disorders impacting over 40.3 million Americans in 2020, the importance of knowing how to support patients with substance use disorders has become even more prevalent in the last few years. This session will equip you with the knowledge to provide comprehensive care for patients with opioid use disorder, including a review of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and how to implement a MOUD program within your pharmacy.  Additionally, this session will address the stigma surrounding patients with substance use disorders and offer strategies for you and your staff to create a more compassionate and supportive environment when working with this patient population. 


Led by:  Mark Garofoli, PharmD, MBA 




8:30 - 9:30 a.m. 

The Fundamentals of Medical Billing for Independent Pharmacies

With record low reimbursements, the time to explore new opportunities to improve cash-flow and differentiate yourself from the competition is now.  In this session, join billing expert Mary Stoner to learn what services can be offered through medical billing and the important need to knows for setting your pharmacy up for success.  


Led by: Mary Stoner, President/Consultant, Electronic Billing Services, Inc. (EBS)  




9 a.m. – Noon
Basic Life Support * 

Cost to attend $70 



The AHA’s BLS course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations, and provide early use of an AED. The AHA’s BLS Course is designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in-facility and prehospital settings. 


Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by June 1, 2024, to avoid a cancellation fee. Cancellations received between June 1 - July 1 will be subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Cancellations after July 1 or “no show” registrants will be responsible for the full registration fee of $70.




10 - 11 a.m.
A Review on Opportunities to Support Women’s and Maternal Health

With pharmacies continuing to serve as a critical access point for health care, the need for pharmacies to educate and support women’s and maternal health topics grows in tandem.  Join this session as we review the latest counseling points for hormonal contraceptives and discuss topics pertinent to supporting pregnant patients.  You’ll walk away from this session with easy to implement supplement recommendation for patients before, during and after pregnancy and additional ideas on how you can support maternal health at your pharmacy.


Led by: Marsha K. Millonig, MBA, BPharm, president & CEO, Catalyst Enterprises, LLC




10 - 11 a.m. 

Triggers, Trends, & Prevention Strategies: Top Tips for Preparing for and Responding to PBM Audits 

Pharmacy audits from Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are on the rise and continue to impact independent pharmacies. With new biologics and widespread off-label use of GLP-1 medications, you cannot afford not to train every member of your team on audit prevention.  Join PBM audit expert, Trent Thiede, as he reviews the latest trends in PBM audits and shares operational strategies to respond to and proactively mitigate top audit issues.  Additionally, time will be spent examining drug procurement challenges and evaluating the interchangability of biosimilars.


 Led by: Trent Thiede, PharmD, MBA, President, PAAS National 



12:30 - 1:30 p.m. 

LTC@Home 101: The Need to Knows for Getting Started

Maybe you've been interested in exploring LTC@Home opportunities or you've already taken the plunge but are just at the beginning - either way this session is for you.  With more patients wishing to stay at home longer, LTC@Home is becoming a practical (and profitable!) addition to pharmacy services.  Join LTC@Home expert, Lindsay Dymowski, as she defines what LTC@Home is and shares important considerations for launching LTC@Home at your pharmacy. 


Led by: Lindsay Dymowski, president, Centennial Pharmacy Services and cofounder, LTC@Home Pharmacy Network  




12:30 - 1:30 p.m. 

2024 Law and Advocacy Update

NCPA’s senior advocacy staff will provide a real-time review of the current political landscape. Get the latest updates on legislation and regulations that could reshape pharmacy payment and practice.  


Led by:  Ronna Hauser, PharmD, NCPA senior vice president, policy, and pharmacy affairs; Joel Kurzman, NCPA director,
state government Affairs. 




8 – 9 a.m.
The Do's and Dont's of Implementing a New Service 

Simply duplicating a business model that is successful elsewhere does not ensure it will be successful at your store.  Different markets have different needs, so it is important to do your homework BEFORE implementing a new services to explore its viability.  In this session, we will  explore business implementation basics for critically evaluating your next opportunity to determine if it is a right fit for your pharmacy and how to ensure its success.




2 – 3 p.m.

Burnout & Bias: Evaluating the Impact of Human Behavior on Patient Safety

Undoubtedly, burnout and bias impact how we show up in situations, but have you ever considered its impact on patient safety?  Throughout this session, health equity researcher and pharmacist Dr. Nicole Avant will explore the impacts of burnout on patient safety as well as discuss the role bias can play in detracting from providing eqquitable care.  Walk away from this session will a deeper understanding of the role of human behavior on patient safety and how you and your team can dismantle health care disparities and provide an inclusive pharmacy experience for all. 


Led by: Nicole D. Avant, Pharm.D., BCACP, Founder, Owner, and Lead Consultant, Avant Consulting Group 





Thursday, July 25th  

The following schedule is subject to change 


8 – 9 a.m.  

2024 Vaccine Update

With continuing updates to approved vaccines and the ACIP schedule, it can be hard to stay up to date.  In this session, hear the latest recommendations and schedules to ensure you're current on all-things vaccines.  


Led by: Jean-Venable “Kelly” R. Goode, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA, FCCP, professor and director, Community-Based Residency Program, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy 




8 – 9 a.m.
Untapped Potential: Creative Front-end Solutions to Boost Your Bottom Line

Are the products in your pharmacy's front-end eye-catching or expected?  Picking unique products for your shelves both entices customers and creates your pharmacy as a destination for these items.  Not to mention, it will bring additional dollars through your doors.  While they can't name specific products, fellow pharmacist Jeff Harrell and his team will share what unique categories have been most profitable and tips for vetting which products to carry.  Additionally, they'll share tips for ensuring your team is ready to help promote and sell the products off your shelves. 


Led by: Jeff Harrell, PharmD, owner, Peninsula Pharmacies, Inc 




8 – 9 a.m. 

Federal & State Legislative Updates for Community Health Centers

*This session is intended for CHC/FQHC pharmacies.

Review the latest updates on federal and state 340B policies and legislation and how you can actively support 340B advocacy. Join Vacheria Keys,  associate vice president of policy & regulatory affairs with the National Association of Community Health Centers,  for this informative session so you can stay up to date and make a difference in your community.


Led by:  Vacheria Keys, Associate Vice President of Policy & Regulatory Affairs National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) 




Noon – 1 p.m.
Marketing Essentials Workshop (NON-CE)

Marketing your pharmacy is essential for it to continue thriving in an ever-changing market. In the Marketing Essentials Workshop, marketing experts from Cardinal Health will lead an engaging discussion to understand pharmacies’ current marketing initiatives, review several industry-wide marketing tactics used today and help attendees determine how their independent pharmacy can incorporate these tactics into a broader promotional strategy. Attendees of this workshop will also receive a one-page recap of session takeaways and a planning template designed to help them identify new marketing opportunities.



  • Laura Baird – Marketing Manager, Cardinal Health

  • Brandon Mash - Marketing Manager, Cardinal Health

  • Sarah Molitor - Marketing Manager, Cardinal Health

  • Madeline Shively - Marketing Manager, Cardinal Health




Noon – 1 p.m.  

Maximizing ROI in the Telehealth World with Remote Physiologic Monitoring

With telehealth services steadily growing, Remote Physiologic Monitoring continues to be a top opportunity for increasing ROI.  Join dynamic leader, Amina Abubakar,  for this session to learn how you can start providing these services and boost your non-dispensing revenue. Amina will share insight into the hurdles you may face when getting started with RPM, provide tips on how to develop an efficient workflow, and detail how to triage the large scale of data these devices provide. 


Led by: Amina Abubaker, PharmD, AAHIVP, CEO, Avant Pharmacy and Wellness 




Noon - 1 p.m. 

Don't Be a Cookie Cutter: Tailoring the Employee Experience to Attract & Retain Top Talent

In today's competitive labor market, when employees have more options than ever, it is crucial for pharmacies to think critically about the employee experience and to become an "Employer of Choice." Improving the employee experience should not only be a goal, it is a necessity. This session, led by HR expert Britney Beck, will delve into the importance of developing a positive employee experience and what you can do to establish your pharmacy as an employer that attracts and retains top talent.  


Led by: Britney Beck, SHRM-SCP, founder and chief people strategist, Hi-Wire HR Consulting  



Noon - 1 p.m. 

Long-Term Care Advocacy Update

Join NCPA's Senior Vice President of Policy and Pharmacy Affairs, Ronna Hauser, as she reviews the Inflation Reduction Act and shares the latest on congressional topics impacting the LTC space. 


Led by:  Ronna Hauser, PharmD, NCPA Senior Vice President, Policy, and Pharmacy Affairs. 




1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Emerging Roles of Technology in Optimizing Pharmacy Operations and Marketing

New technologies can be intimidating and present new challenges, but don’t let the fear of learning stop you from taking advantage of new opportunities to optimize your workflows. Automation, artificial intelligence, pharmacy management systems and electronic medical records can also improve operational efficiency leading to increased profits. Join this session to hear real life examples of how the latest technologies can complement your pharmacy operations and marketing efforts.


Led by: Shantel Houston, PharmD, president & CEO, HoustonRx Consulting



1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 

Functional Approaches to Clinical Nutrition: Supplement Recommendations to Improve Patient Care

Clinical nutrition is a key step in moving our patients and our business beyond dispensing. Your pharmacy's nutrition offerings don't have to be difficult or time-consuming to figure out. In this session, join us as we review functional medicine principles to offer science-based clinical nutrition services that target common conditions and underlying factors.  Walk away with easy to implement recommendations for offering nutritional education at your pharmacy. 

Led by: Lara Zakaria, PharmD, MS, CNS, CDN, IFMCP, pharmacist & clinical nutritionist, Foodie Farmacist 



2 – 3 p.m.
Government Relations (NON-CE)

Join Cardinal Health’s Government Relations team who will provide an overview of the basics of federal and state advocacy and policy, how to coordinate and conduct meetings with elected officials, and guidance on how to engage on current health policy issues.



  • Rebecca McGrath – Senior Vice President – Government Relations, Cardinal Health

  • Jerrica Mathis – Vice President – Government Relations, Cardinal Health

  • Bryan Lowe – Director – Government Relations, Cardinal Health



3 – 4 p.m.  

Creative Solutions for Making Your Pharmacy a Wellness Pharmacy

As a lifelong entrepreneur and problem solver, Dr. Kathy Campbell, owner of Owasso Medicap pharmacy, has responded to the crisis in health by creating innovative programs to create health for her patients and health for the pharmacy industry.  Join Dr. Kathy as she shares her journey to becoming a wellness destination for her community and the obstacles she had to overcome to shift her pharmacy into a health hub.  


Led by: Kathy Campbell, PharmD, Pharmacist, Owner, Medicap Pharmacy Owasso 




3 – 4 p.m. 

Unpacking the Pharmacy Reimbursement Model and its Impact on Your Pharmacy’s Key
Performance Indicators

The changing pharmacy reimbursement model has certainly impacted the status quo in pharmacy key performance indicators.  This course will discuss the changing reimbursement model and its impact on various key performance indicators.  We’ll also discuss cash flow and accounting tips to help you better navigate this changing landscape. 


Led by: Ollin Sykes, CPA, CITP, CMA, CPA, President, Sykes & Co., PA, Kathy Blanchard, Senior Pharmacy Accountant, Sykes & Co., PA 




3 – 4 p.m. 

Beyond The Basics: Tangible Tips for Taking Your LTC@Home Services to the Next Level

Looking to elevate your LTC@Home offerings beyond the basics?  This session is for those who have already implemented LTC@Home and are wondering, "What's next?".  Join Lindsay Dymowski, PharmD as she shares her top tips for elevating your LTC@Home offerings to the next level. 


Led by: Lindsay Dymowski, president, Centennial Pharmacy Services and cofounder, LTC@Home Pharmacy Network 




Friday, July 26th  

The following schedule is subject to change 


8:30 - 9:30 a.m. 

Diversifying Your Point-of-Care Testing Portfolio Beyond COVID-19

In the last few years, point-of-care testing has become synonymous with COVID-19 tests, but what about other unique opportunities like testing for UTIs and nutrient depletions?  Not only will these services diversify your POCT portfolio, they'll also add new streams of cash-based revenue to your store.  Join pharmacy owner Jen Palazzolo as she shares her first-hand experience of expanding her testing offerings and tips for how you can bring this new revenue stream to your pharmacy.  


Led by: Jennifer Palazzolo, RPh, owner, Flatirons Family Pharmacy 




8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Mastering the Art of Effective Delegation Across Generations 

It's relatively simple to assign tasks and tell people 'what' to do, yet, far more skill, precision, and consideration goes into "effective delegation." Trust, preconceived beliefs about time, control, and other, deep-rooted factors, play into our ability to master the art of delegating effectively to achieve the results we desire. Learn why it's often difficult to delegate and how to overcome stress, pressure, and burnout by employing effective best practices for delegating across generations.  


Led by: Kelley Babcock, co-founder, Leadership Growth Formula; Terri Norvell, co-founder, Leadership Growth Formula 




8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

CHC: New 340B Rules? HRSA Patient & Managed Medicaid Evolving Auditing Standards 

*This session is intended for CHC/FQHC pharmacies.

 Are you up to date on the latest 340B rules?  With HRSA’s definition of a patient for the 340B program evolving and duplicate discounts posing new potential audit risks, the time to catch up is now.  In this session, our expert speaker will walk you through recent updates and provide valuable insights on how your pharmacy team can prepare for and respond to the latest 340B rules and standards.

Led by:  Jason Reddish, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC




Noon – 1 p.m. 

Exploring the 2024 Diabetes Guideline Updates

In this session, join our expert pharmacist as they review updates to the diabetes treatment guidelines, including social determinants of health (SDOH) and individualizing approaches that can reduce complications, mitigate cardiovascular and renal risk, and optimize care for patients with diabetes.  In addition to reviewing the guidelines, we will also share opportunities for your pharmacy to enhance its footprint in supporting patients with diabetes.  


Led by: Nicole Pezzino PharmD, BCACP, CDCES, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Wilkes University, Nesbitt School of Pharmacy 




Noon - 1 p.m. 

Optimizing LTC Operations

It's time to put your LTC Operations under the microscope.  In this session, we will examine the challenges seen in long-term care pharmacy workflows and provide opportunities for improvement with real-life examples.  Walk away with next steps for optimizing your LTC operations to find time for more profitable services. 


Led by: Christopher Olson, Direction of Operational Excellence, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Cardinal Health 




Noon- 1 p.m.  

Tapping into Your Team: Elevating the Roles of Technicians within Your Pharmacy

Non-pharmacist staff are critical team members, yet in many pharmacies, their potential with supporting clinical services has not been fully realized. Bremo Pharmacy, however, has unlocked the secret for elevating technicians  through their hiring, training and credentialing practices.  Join Meredy Ayers, an Advanced Certified Pharmacist Technician and member of the Bremo team, as she shares how investing in technicians has impacted pharmacy operations, freed up the pharmacist and elevated the level of patient care their pharmacy is able to provide.  


Led by: Meredith (Meredy) Ayers, CPhT-Adv, CHW, Development Specialist, Bremo Pharmacy 




1 – 2 p.m.
Navigating Part-B Billing for CGM Devices (NON-CE)

Join Kattrina Richardson, VP of Marketing and Business Development for Edgepark-a division of Cardinal Health at-Home Solutions, for a discussion on managing diabetes supplies in a dynamic and growing market. Edgepark is a leading Part B biller of home medical products and services, including diabetes devices like Continuous Glucose Monitors. Kattrina will discuss how growth in prescriptions for CGMs is impacting both pharmacies and DME suppliers like Edgepark.



  • Kattrina Richardson – VP of Marketing and Business Development, Edgepark




1:30 – 2:30 p.m. 

Enhancing Health Equity with Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers, or CHWs, have continued to blossom as an integral part of the pharmacy care team. Join Tripp Logan as he reviews the roles of CHWs in connecting with communities and enhancing health equity for the patients you serve.  


Led by: Richard “Tripp” Logan, III, PharmD, owner, SEMO Rx Pharmacies 




1:30 – 4:30 p.m. 

Basic Life Support*

Cost to attend $70 



The AHA’s BLS course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations, and provide early use of an AED. The AHA’s BLS Course is designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in-facility and prehospital settings. 


Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by June 1, 2024, to avoid a cancellation fee. Cancellations received between June 1 - July 1 will be subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Cancellations after July 1 or “no show” registrants will be responsible for the full registration fee of $70.




1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 
Compounding Updates: Understanding Key Regulations and Best Practices for Building Your Compounding Business

If you dabble in compounding and are interested in growing your practice, you won't want to miss this session.  The new USP standards went into effect in November 2023, necessitating changes to workflow and sanitization, and other compounding regulations remain in a state of flux. Uncertainty remains with Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (cBHT) and the Guidance for Industry (GFI #256).  Join pharmacy owner Jen Palazzolo, PharmD to get the latest compounding updates. 


Led by: Jennifer Palazzolo, RPh, owner, Flatirons Family Pharmacy 




2 – 3 p.m.
Maximizing your PSAO and Pharmacy Solutions (NON-CE)

Join our PSAO team to learn how to simplify your pharmacy administration and leverage the power one of the largest networks of independent pharmacies. Our PSAO Services provide you the right access through the right networks while managing all Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) requirements for you. Whether you are a current member or an interested pharmacy owner, join us to learn more about the value and benefits of Cardinal Health PSAOs and Solutions.



  • Ashley Jump - Market Manager - PSAO Services, Cardinal Health

  • Melissa Webber - Senior Manager - Product and Solutions Marketing, Cardinal Health

  • Scott Watkins - Senior Manager - PSAO Services, Cardinal Health




3 – 4 p.m. 

Using Pharmacogenomics to Personalize the Patient Experience

With personalized medicine on the rise, medical plans are looking for ways to both improve patient outcomes and optimize treatment strategies - enter pharmacogenomics.  In this can’t miss session, discover how Amina Abubakar of Avant Pharmacy and Wellness has improved patient outcomes while driving business into the pharmacy through pharmacogenomic testing and counseling. Plus, get the details on a new national payer opportunity from CPESN's E.J. Stoepfel.   


Led by: Amina Abubaker, PharmD, AAHIVP, CEO, Avant Pharmacy and Wellness; E.J. Stoepfel, RPh, MBA-HCA, Payer-Purchaser Partner Engagement Lead, CPESN  




3 – 4 p.m. 

Exploring the Cost+ Pharmacy Model

With underwhelming payment models that barely cover costs, more pharmacies are exploring Cost+ pharmacy models.  In this session, hear from Mitchell's Drug Store as they share their first-hand journey of implementing a successful Cash+ model.  Learn about the obstacles they faced, the lessons learned and their advice for exploring and implementing a Cost+ model.   


Led by: Tim Mitchell, RPh, clinical pharmacist, Mitchell’s Drug Store; Tanner Mitchell, PharmD, Mitchell’s Drug Store; Taylor Mitchell, Mitchell’s Drug Store 




3 – 4 p.m. 

CHC: Navigating Community Pharmacy Partnerships in the 340B Program

*This session is intended for CHC/FQHC pharmacies.

The 340B Program allows certain safety-net providers the opportunity to purchase pharmaceuticals at reduced prices for their patients.  This session will explore opportunities for community health centers and independent pharmacies to work together to enhance access to affordable medications and medical care in their communities through the 340B Program.  

Led by: Matt Atkins, CPA, partner, Draffin Tucker; Hannah Rowell, Senior 340B consultant, Draffin Tucker



Saturday, July 27th  

The following schedule is subject to change 


8 a.m. – Noon 

Pharmacy-Based Point-of-Care Test & Treat National Certificate Program*

Cost to attend $249 

*PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED - Due to the 16 hours of pre-work required, registration will close Sunday, July 7, 2024. Additionally, no on-site registrations will be accepted. 


This program provides an opportunity for pharmacists, technicians, and student pharmacists to gain skills and information necessary to develop a testing program for coronaviruses, influenza, Group A Streptococcus, HOV and Hepatitis C and chronic disease. 

Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by June 1, 2024, to avoid a cancellation fee. Cancellations received between June 1 - July 1 will be subject to a $125 cancellation fee for each cancelled registration. Cancellations after July 1 or “no show” registrants will be responsible for the full registration fee of $249. 



8 a.m. – Noon 

Opportunities in Diabetes Care*

Cost to attend $299                                         



Diabetes, Type II diabetes particularly, continues to be one of the most expensive diseases in the United States due to both the high costs to treat and the multitudes of persons struggling with the condition. Pharmacists are well-positioned to be integral in the care of these patients. This program walks participants through recent changes in diabetes care and more than 5 billable services pharmacies can provide to their patients with diabetes.  


Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by June 1, 2024, to avoid a cancellation fee. Cancellations received between June 1 - July 1 will be subject to a $100 cancellation fee for each cancelled registration. Cancellations after July 1 or “no show” registrants will be responsible for the full registration fee of $299.



8 a.m. – 3 p.m. 

Lean Into Leadership*     

Cost to attend $449 



Today’s leaders are increasingly faced with complex and unorthodox challenges that require masterful skills and competencies. Both the effectiveness to lead yourself and others is a vital component to the culture of your store and the success of your business. Join Kelley Babcock and Terri Norvell, co-founders of the Leadership Growth Formula, as they provide tangible takeaways and resources for improving your workplace environment and empowering your team. This workshop is open to any pharmacy team member looking to take their leadership skills to the next level.  


Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by June 1, 2024, to avoid a cancellation fee. Cancellations received between June 1 - July 1 will be subject are subject to a $100 cancellation fee for each cancelled registration. Cancellations after July 1 or “no show” registrants will be responsible for the full registration fee of $449.



9 a.m. – Noon

Basic Life Support* 

Cost to attend $70 



The AHA’s BLS course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations, and provide early use of an AED. The AHA’s BLS Course is designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in-facility and prehospital settings. 


Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by June 1, 2024, to avoid a cancellation fee. Cancellations received between June 1 - July 1 will be subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Cancellations after July 1 or “no show” registrants will be responsible for the full registration fee of $70.

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